
Our 2024 CAPE Board of Directors election has come to an early close.

June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community's diversity, resilience, and achievements.

As part of our CAPE 60th Anniversary, we’re offering discount tickets to CAPE members for a very special evening featuring the magical music of John Williams performed by the Los Angeles Ph

Over the past several years, in the midst of a struggling economy and heightened anti-public employee sentiment, CAPE representatives worked hard to defend our members' pay and benefits and ensure that the vital public services we provide would continue.

On September 12, 2012, Governor Brown signed AB 340, the Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA). The bill makes many changes to the pensions of public service workers in California - including LACERA members; however, most of them are for future hires (those hired on or after December 1, 2012) and DO NOT impact current employees.

The following describes the impact of PEPRA on current employees and new hires:


Proposition 32:    YES 44%   NO 56%  

CAPE Members YOU did it!  Thanks to your hard work, and the work of tens of thousands of dedicated union volunteers, Proposition 32 was decisively rejected by California voters in the General Election.

We all know the wealthy and wellconnected are accustomed to playing by their own set of rules. Their lawyers and lobbyists write special exemptions for them that the rest of us would never be able to get.

Full Impact Still Unknown

In the final days of the 2011-2012 Session, legislators met with the Governor and his staff to craft major reform on the laws that govern public employee pension systems and benefits.

The 2012-2013 CAPE Board of Directors Election results were tallied on August 30th by representatives from California Elections Company, an independent elections firm. Congratulations to incumbents John Fallon (DPW), Paul Hernandez (DPW), Lisa Andres (Assessor), and newcomer Dennis Ruh (DPW) on their election to the CAPE Board.

Dennis Ruh has been a dedicated County employee for more than 23 years, and a CAPE member since week 1 of his employment.

CAPE’s commitment is to respond to member inquiries within 24 hours or less, and in a manner that will best help them meet their career goals. Depending on the nature of your call, you will be assisted by the appropriate professional staff that includes CAPE Legal Counsel, Business Agents and Administrative Staff.

November 2012 Presidential Election:
CAPE Endorsements

The CAPE Political Endorsement Committee works hard to make sure our association weighs in on the important legislative races and ballot measure contests.

Some of the measures and many of the candidates do not require much consideration. Voting NO on Proposition 32 seems obvious, but if you don't vote, your voice will not be heard.