Our Leaders

A nine-member Board of Directors makes the decisions for the union, including policy formulation and authorization of all financial transactions. The Board is made up of dues-paying CAPE members who are elected by the membership. They are county professional employees who volunteer their time to chart the course of the union.

Any active CAPE member in good standing may run for a position on the Board of Directors. Each Board Member serves a two-year term, with five positions up for re-election in odd years and the remaining four positions up for re-election in even years. There are no term limits, and individuals may continue to serve on the Board as long as the members continue to elect them. Board elections take place in August every year.

The CAPE Board of Directors meets regularly on the second Thursday of every month. Board meetings take place at the CAPE office and begin at 2 p.m. CAPE members are welcome to address the Board on any subject during the "Open for Members" section of the agenda at 6:30 p.m. Copies of the agenda and approved minutes for the Board meetings are available to members upon request.

You may email the CAPE Board of Directors at [email protected].

The CAPE Board of Directors

Carlos Clayton
Vice President