PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: CAPE-Endorsed Candidates Win Seats on Board of Supervisors By Carlos Clayton, CAPE President

We celebrated two outstanding local election victories in November 2016. By wide margins, Janice Hahn (4th District) and Kathryn Barger (5th District) won seats on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Both candidates proudly carried the endorsement of CAPE through its Political Action Committee. These two outstanding candidates are great additions to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and with their election, history was made. For the first time in county history, the majority of supervisors are women.

The CAPE Board of Directors was honored to be invited to attend the swearing in ceremonies and celebrations for both supervisors in December. Each ceremony highlighted their personality, passion for public service and commitment to the county and their districts, as well as to the employees who work on their behalf, which includes CAPE members.

From the momentum of their elections and swearing in ceremonies, we are building relationships with supervisors Barger and Hahn and have already met with them and their staff. Hahn, Barger, and the other members of The Board of Supervisors value CAPE and our insight.

We look forward to working with them over their terms in office. As always, we will keep you informed regarding our work with the Board of Supervisors and any decisions or issues that may impact CAPE members.

CAPE Board Member Kevin Petrowsky, CAPE General Counsel Blaine Meek, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn and CAPE President Carlos Clayton on Election Night.
CAPE President Carlos Clayton with Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger at her swearing in ceremony.