NO on PROP 32 - We Did It! 2012 Election Results - 11/7/12

Proposition 32:    YES 44%   NO 56%  

CAPE Members YOU did it!  Thanks to your hard work, and the work of tens of thousands of dedicated union volunteers, Proposition 32 was decisively rejected by California voters in the General Election.

We all know by now of the devastating impacts that Proposition 32 could have had on CAPE members, the public sector, and California's middle class had it passed.  It was your phone calls, CAPE representatives walking door-to-door, and all of us telling our friends, colleagues, and family members to get out and vote against this deceptive ballot initiative that made all the difference.

Let's hope this resounding defeat of Proposition 32 sends a strong message to the corporate CEOs and secretive Super PACs funded by Karl Rove and the out-of-state billionaire Koch Brothers that California's political system is not for sale, and the voices of California's working families cannot be silenced.

Proposition 30:    YES 54%   NO 46%

Proposition 30 provides badly needed resources for California's schools and also frees up state money to help balance the budget and fund services that were transferred to the County due to the Governor's realignment plan.  That's why the CAPE Board of Directors unanimously endorsed a YES on Proposition 30.  

CAPE-Endorsed Candidates:    12 of 14 WIN!

12 of 14 of the CAPE-endorsed candidates for U.S. Congress and California State Assembly won their election contests, ensuring strong voices for CAPE members and working families throughout the region.

Despite the solid General Election outcomes above, we expect the political attacks on unions and working families to continue.  CAPE will be here to defend your rights!

The CAPE Board and staff thank all CAPE-represented employees for your participation in the 2012 General Election.  Whether you signed the CAPE NO on Prop 32 Commitment Card, volunteered at a phone bank or precinct walk, or talked with your colleagues, friends, and family members to encourage their votes, your efforts made a real difference.