There will be an unprecedented number of open seats and competitive incumbent seats up for election in the State Assembly and Senate in the June 2012 Primary and November 2012 General Elections. CAPE representatives have already received several requests from candidates for our support. Those requests, and many that will follow, will be reviewed by the CAPE Political Endorsement Committee -- CAPE PEC. The committee is charged by the Board of Directors with reviewing the requests, taking input from the candidates (either by interviews or questionnaires), and making recommendations for endorsements to the CAPE Board of Directors. All CAPE members are welcome to sign up for the PEC.
The first meeting, where the endorsement procedures and endorsement criteria will be crafted, is set for Wednesday, October 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the CAPE office. Call us at (213) 484-0400 to sign up for the CAPE PEC, or complete the Volunteer Form here.