CAPE Board of Directors Update:

The 2012-2013 CAPE Board of Directors Election results were tallied on August 30th by representatives from California Elections Company, an independent elections firm. Congratulations to incumbents John Fallon (DPW), Paul Hernandez (DPW), Lisa Andres (Assessor), and newcomer Dennis Ruh (DPW) on their election to the CAPE Board.

Dennis Ruh has been a dedicated County employee for more than 23 years, and a CAPE member since week 1 of his employment.

As a Supervisor of Contract Construction with the Department of Public Works, Dennis oversees the work of Head, Senior, and line-level Construction Inspectors on major construction projects throughout the County. Most of the projects are federally funded, so strict requirements apply to make sure that all of the work is done according to plan specifications, the work is properly recorded, and the contractors get paid for the work they perform. It’s a demanding job, and Dennis is proud of the work of the Construction Inspectors and his Division for their contributions to a safer, better Los Angeles County.

In addition to his long-standing membership and participation in CAPE, Dennis is a member of the American Legion Fontana Post 262, American Legion Riders Upland/Mt. Baldy Masonic Lodge, President of the Riverside/Corona Model “T” Club, and the San Bernardino Scottish Rite. He is a joiner who believes in accomplishing change through participation in his community and organizations.

One of Dennis’s main goals as a member of the CAPE Board is to encourage more participation by our union members. He ran for the Board because he felt the best way to do this was to lead by example. Dennis also wants to be able to retire someday with the security he’s earned over his many years of public service, a vision he shares with the CAPE Board for all CAPE members. Dennis is grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Board and he’s looking forward to the challenges ahead.

Dennis was elected to fill the open position on the Board left by outgoing Director Veronica Moser, the Immediate Past Vice President of the Board. We want to take this opportunity to thank Veronica Moser for her many years of membership and participation in CAPE, including her five years of distinguished service on the Board. We know her experience and strong voice in the workplace will continue to serve the collective interests of CAPErepresented employees.

BOARD MEETING INFO: CAPE Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, starting at 2pm, at the CAPE office. Members are welcome to attend, and may address the Board on any subject during the "Open for Members" section of the agenda.

For more information regarding the CAPE Board of Directors, visit

Dennis Ruh
Newly elected CAPE Board member Dennis Ruh, DPW, Unit 512