2015 Contract Negotiations Approaching, Membership Survey Starts Bargaining Prep

The contracts that govern CAPE members’ salary and working conditions, as well as fringe benefits, will both expire at midnight on September 30, 2015. The preparations are already underway to assemble the economic data and pay comparisons to present the best possible salary contract proposal to County representatives next year.

More importantly, the effort to start involving CAPE members in the upcoming contract negotiations will start soon with an invitation for CAPE members to present their ideas and priorities for new salary and fringe benefits contract agreements. CAPE members should expect to see that invitation for the 2015 Contract Negotiations Survey in late October / early November.

Several of the County employee associations will already be in salary contract bargaining later this year. The salary contract for deputy sheriffs/DAI's, firefighters and probation officers expire in January 2015. Some groups have already sent their ‘demand letter to negotiate’ to County management.

CAPE leaders have indicated that they will assemble a negotiations team to consider initial proposals as early as February 2015. CAPE has typically prepared thorough proposals with justification data to support both across the board pay raises and inequity raises specific to job classifications.

With the economy on the recovery and County revenues back on the rise, CAPE leaders are expecting to make strong initial proposals to County officials. CAPE members interested in volunteering their time and experience as a Negotiating Team member or in presenting an inequity proposal for a specific job classification, should contact the CAPE office.

More information about the 2015 contract negotiations will follow as the programs come together. In the meantime, watch for an invitation to participate in the 2015 Contract Negotiations Survey.