Shortsighted Cuts Hurt Everyone

CAPE Members Have a Plan: Common-Sense Solutions for a Strong Contract

Our CAPE Bargaining Team has put forward detailed, common-sense contract proposals that would help save the County money while ensuring the recruitment and retention of experienced professionals to keep LA County running.

But instead of engaging in meaningful negotiations, County Management refuses to respond to our proposals—or even offer their own solutions. Meanwhile, they continue to float the idea of curtailments and cuts that would harm vital public services.

CAPE members are ready to work with LA County to strengthen our workforce and protect the communities we serve. It’s time for County Management to do the same.

No more delays. Let’s secure a strong contract now.

CAPE Members Are More United Than Ever!

We need your support. Check out how you can get involved and make a difference. Make sure to sign up to recieve CAPE emails to get rapid response contract updates and to find out about upcoming unity events across the County.